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Texas Water Development Board accepting 2021 Ag Water Conservation Grant applications, January 20, 2021

From the Texas Water Development Board

The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) is now accepting applications for Fiscal Year 2021 Agricultural Water Conservation Grants. Applications are due to the TWDB no later than Wednesday, February 10, at 2:00 p.m.

Up to $1,200,000 in grant funding is available to eligible political subdivisions and state agencies for agricultural water conservation projects that improve irrigation efficiency, enhance resilience to weather extremes and climate variability, and promote innovation in agriculture. Priority consideration may also be given in the scoring and ranking of applications to projects that focus on improving soil health. Applicants are encouraged to engage agricultural producers and water managers through workshops and field days to promote the adoption of water conservation practices and technologies.

Applicants are encouraged to build upon the success of existing efforts and leverage the support from other local, state, federal, and private industry partners. Selected projects will further water conservation in the state and serve the public interest by supporting the implementation of water conservation strategies identified in the state and regional water plans.

Interested applicants are encouraged to contact Cameron Turner at 512-936-6090 or

For more information, please view the full Request for Applications and application instructions on the TWDB’s website.

Please visit the Agricultural Water Conservation Grants Program page for general program information and read about the success stories and examples of previously funded projects.

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