Recap of new tools added to HPWD website in 2020, December 18, 2020
Throughout 2020, HPWD added some exciting new tools and programs to help you better understand and visualize your groundwater resources and water usage:
HPWD also added several new features to its Interactive Web Map, including hydrologic atlas layers for the Ogallala Aquifer water table, saturated thickness, and base of the aquifer. Other new features include an updated aquifer bore tool and a Domestic Well layer showing location and density of water wells drilled for homes since 2001 within the HPWD service area.
Since its debut in 2013, the Interactive Web Map has been the “go-to” source for groundwater information relating to the Ogallala, Edwards-Trinity (High Plains), and Dockum Aquifers within the 16-county HPWD service area.
“We encourage people to visit the HPWD website and use the interactive map feature. Our staff always appreciates any feedback that users have about the site. We are always striving to make this a beneficial tool that is user-friendly for all,” said General Manager Jason Coleman.