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Looking For Groundwater Info? Contact HPWD! May 20, 2021

Want to know how much groundwater is available under a tract of land? Need to learn about aquifers for a school science project? Interested in knowing the number of domestic and/or irrigation wells in your area?

If so, HPWD’s interactive map can help answer these and many other questions.

The interactive map ( allows the public to view groundwater information through a series of layers that can be turned on and off. Within these layers, persons can click on a location of interest to access the information.

  • WELLS: Here you will find water level information, well logs, daily observation well data, and density/location of domestic water wells in the HPWD service area.
  • LAYERS: This provides access to the HPWD rain gauge network. Other layers include maps illustrating the range of the Ogallala, Edwards-Trinity (High Plains), and Dockum Aquifers within the district.
  • ATLAS: For many years, persons relied on HPWD’s hydrologic atlas series for groundwater information. Here you will find contour maps illustrating the base of the Ogallala Aquifer as well as saturated thickness and water table elevation for 2019.
  • BASEMAPS: You can select the type of basemap for viewing. The choices include: imagery, streets, National Geographic, and topography.
  • LEGEND: The legend explains symbols associated with the selected layer.
  • TOOLS: A variety of tools are available for use. Some of these include a drawing feature, a measurement feature, print options, and a radar rainfall loop.
  • AQUIFER INFO: This activates the HPWD “virtual bore” for any location in the HPWD service area. Here you will find the depth to formation, formation thickness, water table elevation, and other information.
  • WELL SPACING GUIDE: Do you plan to drill a new irrigation well—but are uncertain if the location complies with HPWD spacing requirements? If so, you’ll want to use this online guide. First, select the well spacing guide for either the Ogallala/Edwards Trinity (High Plains) or the Dockum Aquifer. Just click on your location of interest and will bring up a “bullseye” of various colored rings. This shows the various well spacing requirements as well as current well locations and well permits in progress.
  • DOCKUM AQUIFER STUDY: Be sure to visit for specific information about the Dockum Aquifer. This includes well logs, water quality, flow tests, and water levels.

“HPWD has a wealth of information about water wells within its 16-county service area. Our staff strives to provide new, innovative ways to present this information to the public. In fact, we will have some additional updates to the interactive web map in the next few weeks,” said General Manager Jason Coleman.

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