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HPWD 2019-2024 Management Plan Approved By TWDB, November 06, 2019

The High Plains Underground Water Conservation District’s (HPWD) amended management plan (2019-2024) was certified “administratively complete” and approved by the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) on Oct. 25.

            All groundwater conservation district management plans must address the following goals, if applicable.

  • Providing the most efficient use of groundwater;
  • Controlling and preventing waste of groundwater;
  • Controlling and preventing subsidence;
  • Conjunctive surface water management issues;
  • Natural resource issues;
  • Drought conditions;
  • Conservation, recharge enhancement, rainwater harvesting, precipitation enhancement or brush control, where appropriate and cost-effective; and
  • Desired future conditions of aquifers adopted by the District under Chapter 36.108 of the Texas Water Code.

             The HPWD Board of Directors must review and readopt the management plan, with or without revisions, every five years as required by Texas Water Code Chapter 36.1072(e). The next plan is due to the TWDB on Oct. 25, 2024.

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            The revised plan is available for viewing/downloading at Just follow the link, “Revised Management Plan (10-2019).”

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