Dockum Aquifer Study Data Available As Map Feature, March 04, 2020

Data from the High Plains Underground Water Conservation District (HPWD) Dockum Aquifer Study is now available as an interactive map feature.
Persons can view these data at
“As Ogallala Aquifer water levels decline, more landowners are expressing interest in water quality and quantity of the Dockum Aquifer within the 16-county HPWD service area. The HPWD Board of Directors authorized a Dockum Aquifer study to learn more about this groundwater resource in 2015,” said General Manager Jason Coleman.
With the Ogallala Aquifer interactive map feature being so popular, Coleman said it was only natural to present the results of the ongoing study in a similar format.
“The Dockum Study interactive map features the same interface as the existing map. ( It includes drillers and geophysical well logs; water quality data as collected by grab samples and Aqua Troll devices; flow test information; and water level data in observation wells, study wells, and wells equipped with pressure transducers,” said Coleman.
He added that HPWD Board Members and staff have had the opportunity to share the new Dockum Aquifer interactive map with state officials in Austin.
“HPWD received many favorable comments about the new interactive map during these meetings in Austin. This is one way to take static data and bring it to life in a visually-pleasing, easy-to-understand format. We hope our constituents will find this to be a valuable tool for learning more about the Dockum Aquifer within the HPWD service area,” said Coleman.