Conservation Conversation - May 7, 2021 Newsletter, May 05, 2021
AGRICULTURAL WATER CONSERVATION GRANTS APPROVED — On May 6, the Texas Water Development Board approved $1,118,954 in grants through its Agricultural Water Conservation Grants Program.
The program offers grant funding to state agencies and political subdivisions for activities that further water conservation in the state. The grant recipients are Texas Tech University, North Plains Groundwater Conservation District, Santa Cruz Irrigation District No. 15, Menard County Water Control and Improvement District No. 1, Edwards Aquifer Authority, Middle Pecos Groundwater Conservation District, and Gateway Groundwater Conservation District.
These grants will support the implementation of conservation strategies outlined in the regional and state water plans and promote innovation and water conservation in agricultural irrigation throughout the state.
Visit the TWDB Agricultural Water Conservation webpage to learn more about this program and read success stories and examples of previously funded projects.
TRANSITION — Ron Burke is the new President and CEO for the Alliance for Water Efficiency (AWE), based in Chicago. He succeeds Mary Ann Dickinson, who recently retired after 14 years of service. Dickinson will remain a technical advisor for AWE. Click here for the AWE news release.
WATER FOR TEXAS CONFERENCE — “Clear Vision for the Future” is the theme of the September 27-29 Water for Texas Conference hosted by the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB). The in-person meeting will be held at the AT&T Executive Education & Conference Center in Austin. Session topics include water science and technology; drought and flood; innovative solutions to water challenges; Texas water policy; and communication strategies. Be sure to visit the Water For Texas Conference website for the preliminary agenda and room reservation information. Be sure to secure your spot before fees include on June 4, 2021.