Conservation Conversation - January 21, 2022, January 17, 2022
EPA COMMITTEE OFFERS WOTUS RECOMMENDATIONS — The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Farm, Ranch and Rural Communities Advisory Committee has submitted a list of recommendations to administrator Michael Regan on the intended revision of the definition of Waters of the United States. “A clear and consistent definition of WOTUS is critically important to America’s farmers, ranchers, and rural communities,” the committee said. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE
FORGOTTEN OIL WELL BIRTHS A 100-FOOT GEYSER — Beginning on New Year’s Eve or in the early hours of 2022, an estimated 25,000 barrels of briny water has emerged from the earth in Crane County with a dull roar each day, turning the surrounding West Texas landscape white with salt and other minerals. CLICK HERE to read the article from Texas Monthly.
USDA-NRCS ANNOUNCES $225 MILLION IN RCPP FUNDING — The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced up to $225 million in available funding for conservation partners through the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP). RCPP is a partner-driven program that leverages collective resources to find solutions to address natural resource challenges on agricultural land. This year’s funding announcement includes opportunities for projects that address climate change, benefit historically underserved producers and support urban agriculture. CLICK HERE for the USDA-NRCS news release.