Conservation Conversation - Feb. 19, 2021 Newsletter, February 19, 2021
EPA RELEASES UPDATE TO WATER SENSE LABELED HOMES PROGRAM — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the final WaterSense® Labeled Homes Program, Version 2 on Feb. 18, 2021. This update will enhance and modernize the WaterSense labeled homes program that EPA began in 2009. For more information on EPA’s updated WaterSense labeled homes program, visit the WaterSense website.
STATEWIDE ASR - AR SUITABILITY WEBINAR NOW SET FOR FEB. 23 — Due to power outages related to winter weather, the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) was forced to reschedule its Feb. 17 Suitability for Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) or Aquifer Recharge (AR) projects webinar. It is now set for Tuesday, Feb. 23 from 12 noon to 1:30 p.m. Advance registration is required. More information is available on the project website.
TEXAS A&M SCHOOL OF IRRIGATION ANNOUNCES SPRING 2021 CEU CLASSES — The Texas A&M School of Irrigation is continuing a special series of online classroom CEU courses via Zoom. The classes are approved for TCEQ Landscape Irrigation License continuing education for irrigators, inspectors, and technicians. The cost is $165 per person.
- March 9 — “Efficient Irrigation System Design”
- April 13 — “Wastewater Irrigation I (Permitting)”
- April 20 — “Wastewater Irrigation II (Management)”
Registration information is available at
In addition, there is also a self-paced online course, “Electrical Troubleshooting for Landscape Irrigation Systems.” Registration information is available at