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Board approves Arboretum Foundation funding requestDuring their July 9 meeting, the HPWD Board of Directors approved Lubbock Memorial Arboretum's request for $12,674.71 in funding to create a educate the public about the "beauty and utility of using water wise, well-adapted and native plants in landscapes of the South Plains region."
This 0.24 acre demonstration garden will be located at the Lubbock Memorial Arboretum, 4111 University Avenue.This funding request was emailed to HPWD by the May 6, 2019 deadline. However, it was lost and not included in the group of proposals considered by the District's Research and Demonstration Funding Committee.
Chairman Mike Beauchamp asked that the request be placed on the Board Meeting agenda for discussion and consideration by the Board of Directors.
In other business, the Board:Approved the Consent Agenda (Minutes, Financial Statement, and Bills)Approved applications for water well permits received in June 2019.Held preliminary discussion on the proposed Fiscal Year 2020 budget for operation and maintenance of HPWD.Selected an auditor for Fiscal Year 2019.Approved a new employee health benefit option.The next HPWD Board of Directors meeting is Tuesday, August 13, at 1:30 p.m. at the District office in Lubbock. All agendas and past meeting minutes are available at

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